Pro-Steam recommends you get your carpets cleaned to get rid of and keep those dust mites, allergens, and dirt and grime down to a nothing. This protects your family so you do not get any allergies or rashes from your nice carpet. This also protects the color and makes carpets last longer which is very important. We hire honest and reliable workers that clean carpets in an incredible way and I couldn’t believe how quickly everyone picked up on our fabulous cleaning methods.
Most cleaners use the hot-water-extraction method of cleaning and this is a method where hot detergent solution is sprayed onto the carpet and it is immediately vacuumed up to keep the moisture out. It’s never good to let moisture sit. You want it done right because if water sits on the pad and then it can actually bleed and sock into the infrastructure and cause mold and mildew so you must have a company that knows what they are doing to use this method. The other bad thing is detergent can be left as well and this will actually make the carpet get dirtier quicker. but don’t worry as long as you hire a company that knows what they are doing like us then there is honestly no problems with this method.
Pro-Steam wants your family to have a healthy clean environment to live in because this is important for the kids. You don’t want your carpets to always be dirty because it will release dirt and allergens into the air and will cause you to have breathing problems and other issues that you may not even realizes is cause by you never cleaning or vacuuming your floors. So, we recommend being on top of cleaning and ensuring a safe home life.